The launch of #GoPublic #FundEducation

Education is a fundamental human right and a public good.  It is considered to be the best investment that a nation can make to ensure a sustainable future for her citizenry.  The Social value of education makes it imperative for States to ensure that its provision is not subjected to the neo-liberal agenda of commercialization and marketization, but guided by social and developmental imperatives.  It is a core responsibility of government to respect, safeguard and fulfill the right of every child to education.

The right to education is guaranteed by several international and national legal instruments.  In Nigeria, the right to education is supported by the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended), the Child’s Rights Act of 2003, the Compulsory, Free Universal Basic Education Act of 2004, and the National Policy on Education, 2013.  However, the country’s education sector has continued to experience underfunding and general neglect, especially at the basic level of education.  Budgetary allocations to education have over the years remained a far cry from the internationally recommended benchmarks of at 4 to 6 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and/or at least 15 to 20 percent of the national budget. According to UNICEF (2022) there are over 18 million out-of-school children in the basic education sub-sector in Nigeria.  Available statistics also reveal that there is a shortage of 194,876 teachers in public primary schools across the country (UBEC, 2024).

MINISTER OF STATE, EDUCATION – HON. YUSUF T. SUNUNU during his speech affirming the support of the FG on the “GO PUBLIC FUND EDUCATION”

This situation has left public education dysfunctional with a myriad of challenges that are antithetical to the nation’s quest for enthronement of a functional education system that would promote the attainment of national goals and development.

One major threat to the right to education is the increasing trade and investment agreements and the use of market mechanisms in the provision of education. The seeming failure of government to invest adequately in quality public education, and the reliance on private providers to fill the gaps existing in the public education system has resulted in proliferation of private schools of all kinds across the country.  According to UBEC (2024), there are 91,252 basic private schools, as against 79,777 public schools in the country.  The upsurge in the activities of non-state actors in education is also promoted by International Financial Institutions and Development Partners, as well as the failure of government to regulate the operations of these for-profit private providers. Unfortunately, the dependence on private providers of education has the effect of engendering decline in public investment in education, thereby weakening efforts to strengthen and expand provision of free, inclusive and equitable quality education for all in line with Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4).

The increasing participation of non-State actors with profit motive has turned education into a tradable commodity sold to learners, who are considered to be the customers, thereby denying the less-privileged, the disadvantaged and the vulnerable, especially the girl-child, children with disabilities and those living in the rural areas, access to quality education. It is a fact that privatization and commercialization of education in any guise, creates stratification and segregation which leads to huge disparities in education opportunities and social inequalities. It must be emphasized that a free quality public education for all is key to the sustainable development and future prosperity of Nigeria and her citizenry.

NUT PRESIDENT, COMR. AUDU TITUS AMBA during his opening speech at the “GO PUBLIC FUND EDUCATION” campaign

Today, the focus of the international community in on transforming education with a view to revitalize national and global efforts to achieve SDG 4. The Transforming Education Summit (2022) called nations to action on education financing to invest more equitably and more efficiently in the sector. Accordingly, the United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession urged governments to ensure equitable funding for education and sustainable investment in the teaching profession, noting that quality education is not possible without adequate financing.

The Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) hereby reiterates her stand against the brazen attempt to legitimize profit making in the provision of education, which negates our desire and commitment, as a nation, to provide compulsory, free, universal basic education for all. The NUT upholds her unwavering support for a well-funded public education for the good of all, and therefore demands that:

  • Government should be alive to its obligation to guarantee the right to education by providing free, inclusive and equitable quality education for all.

  • Government should not abdicate its responsibility to regulate and monitor the operations of non-State actors in education, based on set standards and human right principles.

  • International Financial Institutions and Development Partners should review their education financing policies in favour of public education, rather than funding profit-making private ventures.

  • Government should invest more in education by increasing education financing to meet the internationally recommended benchmarks of 6% of GDP and 20% of the national budget. This can be achieved if government adopts progressive and efficient tax collection processes to generate resources.

The honorable minister and the NUT president with all state secretaries
The honorable minister and the NUT president with all state chairmen

The NUT calls on public authorities, education stakeholders and all well-meaning Nigerians to take a stand for quality public education. We join Education International (EI) and other partners to launch the Go Public! Fund Education campaign for adequate and equitable domestic financing of education. Let us Go Public and Fund Public Education and Teachers wellbeing to improve their pay and their working conditions, and to empower them to stay in their well-chosen profession. Let us rise to support, value and respect teachers, who shape the future of mankind, transform the society and positively impact our world.

Go Public! Fund Education.